Name: Mike Ersfeld
Occupation: Business major & owner of Organized Kultur Clothing Co. 
Instagram: @organizedkultur 

Photos by Tanner Morris

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Think you should be featured on a Tattoo’d Tuesday? Contact us!

Interested in photography? Here’s the gear that was used for this shoot:

Canon 6D body:
[amazonjs asin=”B009B0MZ8U” locale=”US” title=”Canon EOS 6D 20.2 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3.0-Inch LCD (Body Only)”]

Canon 35mm 1.4 lens:
[amazonjs asin=”B00009R6WY” locale=”US” title=”Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM Wide Angle Lens for Canon SLR Cameras”]

Canon 85mm 1.8 lens:
[amazonjs asin=”B00007GQLU” locale=”US” title=”Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Medium Telephoto Lens for Canon SLR Cameras”]

Vivitar 285hv flash:
[amazonjs asin=”B00004TVSP” locale=”US” title=”Vivitar 285HV Flash for SLR Cameras (Black)”]

Photek 60″ Softlighter:
[amazonjs asin=”B003Z631BG” locale=”US” title=”Photek HSD-50K Umbrella, Hot Shoe Diffuser, Shoe Mount Adapter & Velcro Kit”]

Also a set of cheap transmitters and a standard light stand. I’m the type of photographer that stays within his budget and buys the gear that just works to get the job done. I don’t need the latest and greatest lighting gear. The stuff I use is affordable, easy to set up (especially on location), and it actually works great. No need to drop thousands on a lighting kit. I spent under $300 for all my lighting stuff and I use it all the time. If you have the money to drop, go ahead and buy better gear that will last longer. But for me, I get by just fine with what I’ve got. Just a tip from someone who can’t justify spending thousands when hundreds get the job done 🙂

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