Sleeping With Sirens, Neck Deep, and One Ok Rock played at Skyway Theater in Minneapolis on Monday 11/09/2015. These photos are a recap of the evening.


OneOkRock Neck Deep SWS-1 OneOkRock Neck Deep SWS-3



[divider]One Ok Rock:[/divider]


One Ok Rock was the first opening band. They are a four piece rock band from Japan. If you haven’t heard of them you would be surprised as to how large their following is. These guys were full of energy and they were confident in their stage presence.


OneOkRock Neck Deep SWS-8



[divider]Neck Deep:[/divider]

Next up was Neck Deep. These guys are your straight up Pop Punk band hailing from Wrexham, United Kingdom. They kicked ass just like they did when they were in Minnesota on Vans Warped Tour this summer.

OneOkRock Neck Deep SWS-10


OneOkRock Neck Deep SWS-11



[divider]Sleeping With Sirens:[/divider]

Sleeping With Sirens walking through the venue before doors opened.
Sleeping With Sirens walking through the venue before doors opened.

OneOkRock Neck Deep SWS-38 OneOkRock Neck Deep SWS-41



Gear used to photograph this concert:
[amazonjs asin=”B009B0MZ8U” locale=”US” title=”Canon EOS 6D 20.2 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3.0-Inch LCD (Body Only) – Wi-Fi Enabled”][amazonjs asin=”B000NP46K2″ locale=”US” title=”Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8 Zoom Lens for Canon EF Cameras”][amazonjs asin=”B00007GQLU” locale=”US” title=”Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Medium Telephoto Lens for Canon SLR Cameras – Fixed”]


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