Rock Metal group Heartist, is moving up the musical ladder and fast! On tour now promoting their new album ‘Feeding Fiction,’ Heartist has a unique perspective on the industry and have been given some amazing opportunities to spread their sound! We sat down with the band and fill in drummer Jordan while they were in Burnsville last month.
Let’s start this off right. Any good sex stories from the road?
Jordan: I got one.
Bryce: Well speak your tale man!
Jordan: Haha alright! So we were in Greensboro at an after party and I was talking to this girl. We’re drinking and flirting, then she takes me back to her room. We start making out and what not, clothes on mind you. All of a sudden one of the members from one of the bands we are touring with, busts through the door! He comes barging in and says “Hey! I love you guys!” Walks over to the girl and kisses her over the pants on her vag and then kisses ME over the pants in the same spot! He leaves immediately after, but left a permanent scar on my penis.
Robby: Alright I got one! We’re at a club and I go into the mens restroom to take a piss. While I am taking said piss, I notice two sets of shoes in the stall next to me. I finish my piss and I go to wash my hands. Just before I wash my hands though I turn around and there is a girl straight up on her knees, going wild on whoever is in this stall!
I snap chat it of course, show everyone and walk away. One of the tour managers figured out who it was and was like “Yo you gotta stop.” But that was pretty funny!

Perfect! Now how long ago was the Killswitch Engage tour?
Robby: I think about a year ago.
How did you get on a tour like that?
Bryce: Our label! We are on the same label as them, Road Runner.
Robby: We had spoken with them about it and they agreed that it was a great opportunity for us and we were able to go on our first Europe tour! That was actually our 3rd tour ever, too. So to be able to go with those guys was amazing! 3rd tour ever, and we got to go out with Killswitch.
Whoa, back up. How long have you been with Road Runner?
Bryce: We signed with Road Runner after our first live show! The stars aligned man. We had a show in Orange County and there just so happened to be a rep there who liked what we were doing and took it to the label and showed it around, it’s been amazing man.
Wow, that is wild man! Ok, now back to Killswitch. I’m sure there were loads of amazing things that happened but was there anything that stood out to you from that tour?
Everyone starts laughing.
Robby: Well the highlight of the tour was definitely Amsterdam, for obvious reasons. There was this candy store in Amsterdam though, where Bryce had come up with this ingenious plan to steal some candy!
Bryce: Well hold on, let me back the story up a bit. So I haven’t been high in probably 4 years. We go to this cafe and smoke, a LOT! So now I’m in this ice cream/ candy store stuck in the same area for probably 40 minutes, trying to figure out how to steal some candy.
Robby: Meanwhile I’m standing in the corner looking over like “These guy’s trying to steal some shit!” Most obvious stoned guy ever, but he thinks he’s so sly. He’d pick up a piece of candy, then put it right back down haha.
Bryce: Finally I got up the nerve to try and steal some though! I grab a piece, pop it in my mouth, and instantly say “This is the greatest thing ever!” I ended up buying that candy, like 2 pounds worth! I didn’t even remember buying it though haha. I woke up the next morning and was like, “Where the fuck did this giant bag of candy come from?” Bottom line, it lasted us the whole tour.
What were some things you learned from that tour or KSE?
Bryce: Those guys were so humble and that made a real impact on us. They weren’t the kind of band that wanted to keep to themselves, they invited us to hang out with them the entire tour. They taught us that it doesn’t matter how big you get, it’s all about attitude.
Robby: Attitude and respect. If you gave them respect, they gave it right back. They also had a ton of fun on stage! You noticed me do that little cymbal grab on stage didn’t you?
I did! Pretty damn funny haha.
Robby: I actually got that from Adam D! He does that all the time, dude is amazing on stage!
Alright alright enough Killswitch. Let’s talk about the Canadian treasures of Road Runner. Was Nickelback the first thing you thought of?
Bryce: Oh yeah man we love Nickelback!
Robby: We were just listening to them in the van, those guys write some dirty lyrics! I bet Avril and Kroeger get it on, hard.
You guys have got to be kidding me! THIS INTERVIEW IS OVER!
Bryce: Look, growing up we thought the exact same thing. After we put out our first full length album though, it is not that easy writing a “simple” song! I would rather write an entire album of songs just shredding!
Robby: I totally agree man. Nickelback has had how many fucking hits?
Bryce: Exactly. You can say those songs are easy, but do you think you could make an “easy” song timeless?
Alright alright, you’ve made your point. Would you guys want to be a “Nickelback?”
Bryce: Well… We don’t want our peak to be headlining Warped Tour or something like that. You headline Download Festival, you headline Coachella, that’s the big shit. We want to reach that level not as a way of saying “Look how famous we are!” We want our music to be that good, as a testament to what we were able to do as a band. Does that make sense?
Robby: We want to bring this genre into those big arenas too! The things that A Day To Remember is doing, Of Mice & Men, Bring Me The Horizon, you bring those bands to an audience that is aware of the scene but not completely, and show them just how fucking amazing it is? That’s what we want to be a part of, that new wave of Rock that the rest of the world NEEDS to know about!
I get that for sure. So let’s talk about this new album!
Bryce: Yes! Came out August 12th, super fucking excited about it. We really are stoked it’s finally out because we’ve been sitting on it for 7 months now.
Is there a different tour you’re planning on promoting this new album with?
Bryce: No, and actually this is part of the reason we sat on the album so long too, is because shit just kept falling through with other bands and tours. It’s been frustrating because that effects other things but regardless, we are happy it’s finally out. We are going to try and tour with this album ASAP though, so stay tuned!!!
Awesome, well thanks so much guys!
You can get that new album here, and be sure to like Heartist on Facebook and follow them here:
Bryce Beckley- Vocals (@brycebec)
Tim Koch- Guitar (@tim2party)
Robby Devito- Guitar (@robbydevito)
Matt Marquez- Drums (@mattbeeetz)
Evan Ranallo- Bass (@ruinsecho)
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