The Show Last Night got the opportunity to interview the brand new band featuring Jeremy Shada (aka Finn) of Adventure Time!
Make Out Monday came out of left field with a hot single called ‘Hope Less Romantics’ and immediately caught our attention! With their first show coming up this Saturday at the House of Blues in San Diego, we knew we had to catch up with them to get the scoop! Jeremy, Logan, and Zack took time while at the studio to tell us about what we can expect from Make Out Monday!

So what the heck guys, where did you come from?!
Jeremy: That’s exactly what we wanted people to say! We planned this all out that we wouldn’t announce anything until we had a song recorded and to be able to drop the music video at the same time. So we’ve been recording for a few months, had a single we liked, and committed to make a music video for it!
Now Zack did you write this song, ‘Hope Less Romantics?’
Zack: Yep it’s something that I brought to everyone and they were into it. So I came up with most of the lyrics, but it was a group effort because we re worked some things and made it what it is now!

What made you choose that song for your first music video?
Zack: Well it was the first song we had finished. We put a lot of work into it and wanted to make sure we were ready for our show this Saturday in San Diego as well.
Jeremy: We planned that show out because I am going to be at Comic Con for an Adventure Time panel, so it worked out pretty well schedule wise.
Oh I see. So everyone’s schedule revolves around Jeremy hu?!
[Guys all laugh]
Jeremy: No no no! Haha it just worked out this time!

So why now? Why a full band?
Zack: Well I know for me I personally had tried to do the solo thing and it just wasn’t the same as having a full band behind you. So then Seth our current drummer and I began to work together, then Jeremy and I started talking about how we wanted to get back into music so that’s how Logan came into the picture, and then John who is a friend of Seth who I had played with before. It’s been great too because everyone has brought so much to the table and we all work so well together!
Don’t take this the wrong way, but when I initially saw you guys had formed a band and put out a music video, my expectations were kind of low. I was insanely surprised though! This is a REALLY good track!
Zack: Haha well thank you! We hope it’s good!
I say that because we’ve seen “kid stars” try to jump into the music scene and what comes of it isn’t always very ‘good.’ Like I said though, super good track.
Jeremy: Well and I think a lot of the reason why you see that is these actors/ actresses go into it saying “Oh make me sound like this person!” You know what I mean? So for us and the reason why I have faith in what we’re doing is that we are all truly passionate about what were doing and are doing our own thing vs trying to be the next ‘so and so.’
Zack, you an All Time Low fan?
Zack: Oh I’m a huge All Time Low fan! They are a big inspiration to me and kind of the direction I think we want to go in, at least genre wise. I heard they just won some awards too at the APMA’s? I wish we had time to watch it but we have been in the studio literally all week, we’re here right now actually haha. That’s funny you say that band specifically though because the producers we are working with, worked with All Time Low! Not that we are trying to sound like them, just a funny coincidence.
Jeremy: Definitely one of our influences though along with guys like Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and actually a couple of the tracks I want to say are more along the lines of say, Cage The Elephant’ish? Some are even in the vein of Imagine Dragons.
Oh I can get on board with that! Jeremy obviously we have to talk about Adventure Time. How do you fit in something like a band when you are so dedicated not only to Adventure Time, but various other projects?
Jeremy: Well it’s interesting because I record for Adventure Time once a week for 2 to 4 hours, but if I really need to I can take a few weeks off and record on my own. We’re in our 6th season now so we are all really good at predicting what the other person would say in case we do have to record on our own.
You guys also kind of remind me of Jared & Shannon Leto of 30 Seconds To Mars. Which made me think about how Jared can kind of bust Shannon’s balls when they are in the studio, any of that going on with you, Zack & Jeremy?
Jeremy: Oh man they are another huge inspiration to us, and of course all Zack does is bust my balls haha.
Zack: You know haha, there are times when I have an idea for where I want the direction of a song to go and it doesn’t always mesh with what everyone else wants to do but we always run stuff by each other and we always stay very open minded.
What’s the next step, album or EP?
Zack: Well right now we want to get 6 tracks ready for an EP. Before that though we are definitely going to work on putting out at least one more single in the next few months and obviously The House of Blues show in San Diego coming up July 26th.
Logan do you want to say something, or should I keep messing with Zack & Jeremy?
Logan: Haha I just want to say that I am really happy with the way everything is going so far not just with our sound, but the people we are working with as well. Another thing that is cool though is that we’re all the vocals as well, and we each bring something different to the table with our singing so we get these diverse tracks! We’re definitely working on some genre bending as well…
Zack: No joke, Logan just told me his phone died haha.

Well Zack since we’re back to you, who made the music video?
Zack: I did actually haha. I was running back and forth from the monitor to make sure it was good for the shot I was in, and then I was behind the monitor for everyones shot.
So you guys are basically a clash between the Cohen brothers and 30 Seconds to Mars?
Jeremy: Haha well I think creatively Zack and I mesh so well that we have to work together. Our ides are just enough different too that we can be on the same page, but bring fresh ideas and concepts to the table regardless of what we’re working on!
You can catch Make Out Monday at The House of Blues this Saturday July 26th in San Diego!
Twitter & Instagram: @makeoutmonday & @jeremyshada
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